We are back again with our list of STEAM-based activities for kids and toddlers!

What is STEAM?

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, of course!

Now you may think that there are many other important subjects that a kid should learn in school and we completely agree!

However, we think that these last few decades have shown us that our world is heavily driven by the advancements in STEAM-based industries.

Things like the internet, cryptocurrency, space travel, health science and technology are some of the few developments that are currently changing what our world looks like.

We believe that these disciplines hold the key to many jobs of the future.

Even if your kid may not naturally gravitate towards STEAM subjects, we think that we can still play our part as parents, educators and caregivers to enhance their interest and knowledge of these subjects.

Of course, we don’t believe that we should force anything upon them. In fact, nothing should ever be forced.

This is why we are undertaking a 365 day challenge to come up with activities that we hope will help our toddler kid to develop an interest in STEAM and acquire useful skills.

Whether our toddler ends up being a scientist, engineer, mathematician or tech expert doesn’t really matter to us.

What matters is that she can intelligently engage and interact with these disciplines if she wants to in the future.

Below are our next 101-120 list of suggested STEAM-based kids activities.

If you want to see our previous list of activities, you can check them out here:

1-20 list of STEAM activities.
21-40 list of STEAM activities.
41-60 list of STEAM activities.
61-80 list of STEAM activities.
81-100 list of STEAM activities.

We hope that some of these ideas might inspire you and that you will share them with others!