In our first, second, third and fourth post, we listed 80 STEAM-based activities for kids and toddlers.
Now, we continue with our fifth installment of STEAM-based kids activities.
It’s amazing how much attention, engagement and interaction toddlers and young kids need.
So while it’s been a fun adventure creating this list, it has also been challenging to keep up!
That’s why we created this…in the hope that it will spark some ideas for you to use in your own daily time with your toddlers and kids.
We hope you are enjoying this journey with us thus far.
81. Mount Books
Even books can be used as entertainment. My toddler transformed the floor into “mountains” by using these books. Let their imagination soar!
82. Hourglass Timer
Hourglass sand timers are useful for giving your kid a concept of time. It’s also useful for setting time limits for activities. It reduces the likelihood that you will have to shout, negotiate or argue to get compliance.
83. Paper Clips Fun
We were bored waiting at our local garage and found some paper clips to play around with. We ended up designing sunglasses with a paper clip design. Paper clips are really versatile, aren’t they?
84. Bead Necklace
We love making necklaces for family & friends as gifts. My toddler chooses the beads while I string them. This activity does take a lot of supervision and patience (kid throwing them or just playing around). Imagine my surprise when my toddler suddenly showed me that she could string them too! She quickly worked out that the larger the beads were, the easier for her to string them. It was really good for developing her fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and patience.
85. Bead Colors
The activity of separating beads according to colors is great for teaching colors and building fine motor skills.
88. Bottle Sculpture
We found this artistic & intelligent sculpture in a library! We spent some time admiring it and looking for different colored bottles.🌈
89. Box Slide
Genius idea by our kid to create a slide from an old cardboard box in our living room. She had a ton of fun!
90. Garden Potatoes
Our first homegrown potatoes! Our kid was super excited to help dig these up in our garden bed. Let’s hope we get more the next time around.
91. Weeding
I shamefully admit that we allowed the weeds in our garden to grow out of control. Thankfully, my kid voluntarily helped with the weeding process! We are lucky that she enjoys being a part of the many things that we do.
92. Cushion Fort
We have 2 “kids” in our household, an actual little kid and a “big kid” who hasn’t fully grown up when it comes to forts. The “big kid” built this awesome fort out of our couch cushions for the little kid and they had tons of fun hiding in it! There is even a door and a window on the side. See what you can build with the cushions in your house! Your kids will love the project!
93. Train
Toddlers see things so differently. My toddler made this and I asked her what it was. She replied without missing a beat, “Train”. It’s amazing what kids can imagine out of the random objects they have around them.
94. Pattern Blocks
We love these! Pattern blocks (similar to tangrams) are fantastic for kids. It’s a great way to introduce your kid to math and geometry.
95. Global Map
I was so lucky to find this awesome felt world map with felt continent pieces and animals. It helps kids learn about continents and animals of the world.
96. Wooden Planks
My toddler didn’t build this but this did inspire her to try and attempt something similar with my help. These are made from Keva Planks.
97. Bubbles
Bubbles are toddler magnets. If you want, you can research how bubbles are made and explain it to your child. If you are organizing a party, get a bubble machine. The kids will love it!
98. Motorbike
If your kid is a car, motorbike or train fan, he or she may be interested to learn about how these vehicles and engines work.
99. Library Book Activities
Our toddler loves the library. Books not only can be read, but can be arranged and stacked too!
Hungry for more? Get some more STEM-inspired kid activity ideas here.
1-20 list of STEAM kid activities.
21-40 list of STEAM kid activities.
41-60 list of STEAM kid activities.
61-80 list of STEAM kid activities.
101-120 list of STEAM kid activities.
121- 140 list of STEAM kid activities.