These are some of the kid activities that we did. As usual, you can just adjust them to suit your kid’s age by making them more or less complicated.
If you want more ideas, here is a list of our other previous STEM/STEAM kid activities:
1-20 list of STEAM kid activities.
21-40 list of STEAM kid activities.
41-60 list of STEAM kid activities.
61-80 list of STEAM kid activities.
81-100 list of STEAM kid activities.
101-120 list of STEAM kid activities.
121- 140 list of STEAM kid activities.
141- 160 list of STEAM kid activities.
161-180 list of STEAM kid activities.
181-200 list of STEAM kid activities.
201. Sensory Art
You can introduce sensory materials into art. Here, we used sand, glue and canvas paint. Adding the sand creates an extra dimension to the art and is great fun for toddlers.
202. Bicycle Install
My husband put together our toddler’s bike with her watching. She got to see how he used the various tools like spanners and Allen keys to put everything together. A good introduction to mechanical engineering.
203. Boat Captain Play
Kids had a great time playing captain onboard this mini boat that had a steering wheel and radio communication system. They especially enjoyed making fake distress calls on the radio communication system.
204. Kid STEM Books
We found some awesome STEM books from our local library for babies & toddlers. Here are some other awesome books we found:
205. Bridge Design & Engineering
With an engineer in our family, we love admiring bridges. Set your kid a challenge to design a bridge on paper or use LEGO.
206. Sidewalk Chalk
Want to grow your kid’s artistic talents but don’t want a huge mess at home? Give them some large pieces of chalk and let them loose outside!
207. Statistics
It is possible to introduce Statistics to your toddler. Get them to count and compare multiples of objects on a paper. The boxes make it easier for them to compare the amounts, just like a graph.
208. Simple Counting With A Comb
No time to create or buy activities for your toddler? Even a simple comb or brush can be used to teach your kid counting. Allow your kid to brush your hair and ask them to count while they do it. It can be quite relaxing for you too!
209. Kids Cooking
It takes patience but kids often love cooking. If you can’t stand the mess, picture recipe books are a fun way to teach and expand your kid’s minds. Or if you use a meal cooking delivery kit, they have step-by-step pictorial instructions.
210. Etch A Sketch
We made this fun Etch A Sketch castle drawing while waiting at a tire shop. Turn the left knob to go left and right. The right knob goes up and down. It requires a decent amount of right-and-left-hand coordination so it won’t be easy for younger kids to play with. But it will certainly test their perseverance! Great as a toy for flights and car rides too.
211. Kinetic Sand
Your kids want a sand pit but you don’t have a garden or yard space for one? What about an indoor sand pit? You can use kinetic sand which sticks to itself and not to you, making it less messy to play with.
212. Playdough Molds
Check out these amazing looking mooncake molds. You can use them to make actual cakes or let the kids have fun with playdough creations. Cookie molds are also great for playdough play.
213. Creativity Using Nature
My toddler created this “face” when we were outside doing an art project. Nature is an opportunity to pursue creativity.
215. Numbers Bingo
Numbers Bingo is one way to encourage your toddler to learn their numbers. There are also Addition & Subtraction Bingo, and Multiplication & Division Bingo versions too.
216. Periodic Table Song
A fun way to introduce your kid to STEM concepts is by using catchy music. We love this Periodic Table Song by ASAP Science. Find it on YouTube, Amazon Music or Spotify.
217. Science Podcasts for Kids
If you have a Spotify account (it’s free with ads), there are several STEM kids podcasts. Here is one you could try; Science Adventure Stories For Kids.
218. Sensory Bin- Beans
Create a bean sensory bin. Add a couple of empty bottles and they can start practicing estimation. Ask them, “how many beans do you think are in this cup?” Then pour it out and count it together.
219. Sensory Bin- Foil Streamers
This is another type of sensory bin. It uses foil streamers which are softer than beans, and probably a lot less messy to clear up.
More STEAM kid activities?
As mentioned above, if you want to check out other STEM/STEAM kid activities:
1-20 list of STEAM kid activities.
21-40 list of STEAM kid activities.
41-60 list of STEAM kid activities.
61-80 list of STEAM kid activities.
81-100 list of STEAM kid activities.
101-120 list of STEAM kid activities.
121- 140 list of STEAM kid activities.
141- 160 list of STEAM kid activities.
161-180 list of STEAM kid activities.
181-200 list of STEAM kid activities.
Have fun!