It takes a lot to raise successful kids. Parenting is never easy but to raise successful kids, it takes intentional parenting.
Of course, we all have different definitions of what success looks like.
For some of us, success means that our kids are happy, healthy, loving, kind to others or kind to the earth.
For some of us, successful kids are kids that are independent, resilient and ambitious.
For some of us, successful kids are people who are brave enough to be true to themselves and write their own stories in the world’s history.
It can be a combination of all of these or none of these.
Regardless of what your definition of success is, we think that you stand a better chance of helping your kids be successful if you are parenting intentionally.
Here are some of the resources that we want to share with you. Oh, and of course, never parent without love. Love should always underpin all parenting.